Success stories

Setting Up a Captive Insurance Company Saves Nearly $47,000 Per Month for Staffing Company

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This 300 – employee staffing company, headquartered in Indiana with offices on both coasts, greatly reduced their premium after we analyzed their State Workers Compensation and Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Insurance (USLH).     SITUATION This company has been a client for several years paying approximately $2,000,000 annually for their Longshore and Workers’ […]...

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Smelting Plant Saves $126K, Sees Mod Drop 30%

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This aluminum recycling/smelting plant employs 36.   SITUATION The employer was in the state Work Comp Fund and claims were skyrocketing.   ASSESSMENT Certified WorkComp Advisors (CWCA) began working with the employer just two months after its latest renewal. The CWCAs found that much of the reason for the increasing claims was due to […]...

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Consolidation of Multi-State Payrolls Saves Company $283,000 and Lowers Experience Mod

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This company grows and distributes plant materials and nursery stock nationwide and employs more than 1,800 at plants located in 10 states.   SITUATION The company’s experience modification factor climbed steadily and management did not understand why this was occurring.   ASSESSMENT Certified WorkComp Advisors discovered that the mod was distorted because the only […]...

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Comprehensive Workers’ Compensation Program Cuts Claims Costs

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED The business is a masonry contractor with 30 employees.   SITUATION In a three-year span, incurred injury claims were $123,107. As a result, the employer saw the company’s experience modification factor (mod) rise 50%, from 0.91 to 1.37.   ASSESSMENT The CWCA reviewed the client’s workers’ comp program. He found that the employer was […]...

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Landscape contractor sprouts a $104,000 refund

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This major landscape contractor servicing commercial properties employs 120 people and does $19 million in annual revenues. SITUATION A year after purchasing the company, the insured was concerned why, as a relatively new business, its Experience Mod was extremely high at 1.39, with annual premiums in excess of $400,000. ASSESSMENT Certified WorkComp Advisors conducted […]...

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Office furniture company sees Mod drop 22%

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This assembler of office furniture employs 86 and has revenues in excess of $32 million annually. SITUATION The employer saw its Experience Mod escalating steadily up to 1.22. ASSESSMENT The CWCAs found one reason for the increase in the Experience Mod was the claim reserve for an employee who suffered a shoulder injury, resulting […]...

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Experience Mod audit lowers Mod 17 points & returns $33,150 to grading contractor

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This grading contractor employs 42 people with annual revenues of approximately $3 million. SITUATION The company had been with the same broker for 21 years. The broker had never audited or verified the insured’s Experience Modification Factor and routinely accepted the Mod Worksheet provided by NCCI as accurate and correct. The company’s Mod was […]...

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Glass Company discovers value of Independent Agent

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This company specializes in glass for commercial entrances and storefronts, construction glazing and retail glass sales. With 40 employees, the company has sales revenue in 2005 of approximately $2.5 million. Situation The CWCAs began insuring this client in 1995. In 2002, the company moved its account to a direct insurance carrier at a time […]...

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HVAC company quantifies Mod, saves business

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED The insured is an HVAC service company with approximately 23 employees and estimated sales of $4 million. SITUATION The company was in serious danger of losing one of its biggest accounts, a leading national paper manufacturer. The paper manufacturer was highly interested in promoting on-site job safety and had an established policy that it […]...

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Implementation of comprehensive Workers’ Comp program saves auto dealer $2 million in first year

9 years, 5 months ago

INSURED This chain of full-service automobile dealerships employs more than 500 people divided into three work classes – dealer, auto sales people and clerical. The company does more than $250 million in business. SITUATION The frequency and severity of claims being incurred by the employer were staggering. It had experienced more than 100 claims for […]...

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