Injury Management

This page is set aside for you to share information about your agency’s injury management process. IWCP has generic copy about the process, but we encourage you to make this page your own.

Do you have injury management and/or loss prevention staff? Doesn’t matter if it’s in house or outsourced. Brag about your resources.
This page is an excellent place to share success stories and case studies from your injury management process.

This copy will be included, unless you opt to remove it or replace the copy with your own customized process:

Our task: Shrink your costs. Get results you want. Results You deserve
Let’s face it. Employers like you may be frustrated, most likely are frustrated about your Workers Comp insurance. And it’s not just the cost. It’s multiple things, starting with CONTROL. The insurance company controls how insurance works. However, Workers’ Comp is the exception, when you know the secrets. (Download The Seven Secrets of workers’ comp on the right side of this page)
You can take control. You can manage your Workers’ Comp costs. You can kiss Workers’ Comp frustration bye bye.

Employee injuries and your workers’ comp costs are very closely tied together. Each employee injury directly affects how much you end up paying over a long period of time, not counting the other costs associated with an employee being out of work.

Workers’ Compensation Injury Management Cost
You buy Workers’ Compensation insurance so when employees suffer injuries, your Workers’ Comp insurance company jumps into action. You have a few duties first to make this happen.

  1. To give the insurance company the tools to best help you, you must report the injury before the sun sets the day of injury.
  2. Your injured worker must get immediate attention.
  3. In many states, you may direct your injured worker to specialist medical providers who understand the Workers’ Comp system.
  4. You and we will select these specialist medical providers around your place of operation.If your business takes employees to various geographic areas in your town, state or out of state, we’ll also build a plan to cover all these geographic areas.
  5. If your workers work outside normal business hours, we’ll share a plan to make the process as easy as if the urgent care and the medical providers you choose were still open. Avoiding the ER when at all possible is a necessary “cost shrinking strategy.”
  6. You and we work to create a hiring plan so you don’t hire “injuries waiting to happen”.There are two steps to this process. First, we’ll help you implement the two fraud-busting hiring forms (link to hiring forms) to keep out any employees who are not capable of doing the job. Then, we’ll set up on-boarding and ongoing training programs to let your employees know what to do and how to do it when they suffer an injury. Workers Comp is their best employee benefit. We want them to understand this. When employees know how Workers Comp works, you win.

When employees understand how the system works to their benefit, when you agree to allow them to Recover at Work, and when after an injury you show you care, you’re on your way to controlling your WorkComp while shrinking your WorkComp costs.


You’ll receive important information to help you avoid overcharges on your workers’ compensation.

    Our Expert

    Teresa Long, CWCA

    Injury Management Coordinator

    Teresa’s experience includes 14 years as Workers’ Compensation Claims Manager for Walt Disney World and most recently Vice President of Risk Management for Sarasota, FL-based Unisource Administrators, Inc., managing general agent and third party administrator, where she was responsible for client services for all professional employee organizations, large deductible and self-insured clients and product development. She was also vice president of Sarasota International Risk & Insurance Services (SIRIS, a third party claim administrator for self-insured and large deductible clients), a subsidiary of RISCORP, a Florida domiciled insurance company.

    Teresa was also instrumental in the founding of the Association of Workers’ Compensations Claims Professionals (WCCP) and a Board Member and regular speaker for the Florida Workers’ Compensation Institute for over 20 years,

    Teresa’s results for one month:

    Closed:   1 injury — Closed with reserve reduced by $81,884.

    Closed with reserve reduced by $81,884.  

    • New:  No new claims were reported this month

    Medical Only Claims

    • Previously Open:  No previously open claims
    • Closed:  No claims were closed this month
    • New:  No new claims reported this month

    Total Incurred:    $56,361.37 decreased $81,884 this month

    Average Incurred:  $9,393.56 decreased by $13,647.36 this month

    Each month each client receives a detailed report of activities.

    Email to to a CWCA whose agency benefits from Teresa’s Injury Management services:

    Good news, no GREAT news!!! I just got a call from the adjuster at XXXXXXX and she told me the Contribution is all about getting 50% of the total medical paid back from the insurance company. This happened at a hearing on 10/20/14 and they have 14 days to pay up (11/3/14). She said they did not settle the claim with injured worker and his physician gave him a two percent rating which is the same rating he previously received so there were no benefits due.

    She said at first injured employee did not understand this but when she further explained had the physician gave him even a three percent rating, he would have only received the difference of one percent but as it was the same as before (two percent) there were no benefits due. I like this law!!!

    So next I asked her why there was such a big outstanding reserve and she didn’t know and agreed to reduce it to a big ZERO right then. This means the $63,207 is now a zero and the Total Incurred just went from $89,764 to $26,557 and within the next 10 days will further be reduced to a Total Incurred of only $13,278.50!!! and the claim will be closed as soon as she gets in the final defense attorney bill (paid as expense and not included in the mod) which will be for sure within the next 30 days.

    Bottom line – by (no later) than the end of November, this claim will have gone from $89,764 to $13,279 a reduction of $76,485! YEAH!!!!! AND – all of your claims will now be CLOSED!!!

    I just love to send emails like this. I’ll wrap up the month end reports with this new information and be sending them out in a few minutes.